Woman’s Refusal to Share Inheritance Sparks Fiancé’s Explosive Tantrum!

A woman struggling with issues in her five-year relationship turned to an online community for advice after a big argument with her fiancé.

The argument was about money and made her question their relationship.

In a post on Reddit’s ‘Am I The A*****e’ thread, she shared what happened.

The 32-year-old, known as Original Poster (OP), wrote that she got engaged to her 35-year-old partner after five years together. They set their wedding date for May 2025.

Credit: Getty.

After OP’s grandmother passed away shortly after their engagement, OP inherited a large amount of money.

OP noticed her fiancé was extremely excited about the inheritance. She didn’t think much of it until she overheard him talking to his friends while playing a game. He said he could pay off his credit card and use the money for a guys’ holiday, laughing about it.

Confused, OP asked him about the money, and he said it was from her grandmother. She was furious and told him he wouldn’t use any of that money without her permission and definitely not for a holiday.

She told him, “It’s not your money; it’s from my grandmother, and it’s not for you.”

Credit: Getty.

The argument escalated into a shouting match, and OP left the room upset. Later, her fiancé came into the kitchen and scolded her, saying, “We’re getting married, so any money you get will be mine too. It was selfish of you to make me look foolish in front of my friends and give them false hope about a holiday.”

In her post, OP mentioned that she left the house without saying anything and went to stay at a friend’s place. She ended her post by asking if she was in the wrong.

Many people online responded with support and understanding for her situation.

Credit: Getty.

One person commented, “He’s showing you that he sees you as a burden and wants to spend money that isn’t his on his friends. He’s yelling at you because you won’t go along with his plans. You’d be crazy to marry him.”

Another added, “Do you really want to marry this guy? There are two big problems: 1. He thinks he’s entitled to your money. 2. He thinks he can spend it on things that don’t include you. The second problem is worse.”

A third user said, “Cancel the wedding. Don’t marry him. First, he has credit card debt and is living beyond his means, which is a bad habit. Second, he thinks what’s yours is his, which is wrong. Third, his anger and sense of entitlement show he’s likely a narcissist.”

They concluded, “Your grandparents’ last gift wasn’t just the money but also the chance to see who this man really is—someone with no character, who is abusive, entitled, and parasitic. Get out while you can.”

What do you think this woman should do? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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